Summer Pockets Officially Released On Steam

Hey all! As you can probably tell from the title, to our surprise, VisualArts and Steam finally came through! Summer Pockets is at long last on Steam.

So what does this mean for the fanTL? Exactly what we said waaaaay back with the original announcement. We’ll be taking the download down. Those of you who have been reading along with our patches know firsthand this is a fantastic visual novel and is absolutely worthy of a purchase, and those of you who were waiting, take everyone’s word for it, it’s worth the buy. It’s even 10% off for this first week! You can buy it here:

I want to thank everyone for being along with this ride, giving us feedback, giving us support, giving us our drive. And even though we were SUPER close to being done, this is fine. Deep down, this is what everyone wanted, right? Summer Pockets in English, and what better way than to support the people who made it. And this means we just get to go back to Angel Beats and focus our full attention on that! So, from the team here at Alka to you guys, thank you. And we’ll see you around. The SSS will soon be looking for new recruits to fight Angel!

12 thoughts on “Summer Pockets Officially Released On Steam

  1. Kougeru says:

    Massive thanks for all you did and it’s amazing that you got to 97.33 before official release! Your position here is 100% understandable, and I appreciate that you’ve been pretty transparent about it the entire time. Thanks so much. I only got through the common route so I didn’t get to see all your work but I appreciate it none-the-less

  2. NonoXo says:

    A final big thank you sooo much Alka Translations for Summer Pockets translation.
    I’m glad to follow the progress of your work since i discover this vn in January 2019, it’s like to follow a series : it’s a happy time with each release !
    Now let’s go to conclude the last two routes in Steam.

    I stay tuned of your futur project with Angel Beats : 1st Beat (and Reflection Blue maybe?).

    With all my gratitudes.

  3. Ryptahi says:

    Thank you from bottom of my heart. I already bought the official release and I can not appreciate Alka’s translation enough. It was great ride, it was fast and efficient. Thank you!

  4. Kudryavtsev(#0904) says:

    Thank you for you guys hard work! You guys just almost made it and I appreciate you guys efforts on the translation. I definitely will buy the official release right now!

  5. kidlat020 says:

    just one question. did Key used your TL work or they released their own? if the latter then ouch all that wasted TL effort.

  6. Dante012 says:

    I was able to discover Summer Pockets early thanks to your work. This was not wasted. Thank you so much for what you did!
    I just bought Summer Pockets, almost 40€, that’s a lot… I can afford it, but it still stings a bit, lol.

  7. Ivan says:

    Thank you for all your work!
    But I would love if you could share your translation after a few months.
    There were two visual novels releases that I did prefer fan translation, so I’d like to read through your passionate work.

    Much love and my best regards!

  8. Serfo says:

    Thank you guys for all the incredible effort. Indirectly you supported Key by not finishing your translation, because just like me, people that were reading your version were already hooked and probably bought the game in Steam now to be able to finish it. So this is a good outcome for the company.

    Looking forward to Angel Beats! Since I heard Heartily Song (the OP) I was eager to try it someday but there were no translations available yet (until now), so again thank you so much!

  9. edtheiii says:

    It can’t be said enough – you guys have done a fantastic job, and your stance is 100% the right thing to do. If not for your translations of this project, I probably would have completely forgotten about Summer Pockets by the time it was released on Steam, and I would have missed this amazing VN. Supporting Key twice is no issue for me, and I hope that this NA release is successful enough that there is even less of a delay for future releases (Reflection Blue). If not – I know there are some great translators out there that will probably happily take the case.

    Anyway, my download just finished – I’m excited to compare the two translations. I hope that all of you who’ve worked on the project get to keep doing what you love.

  10. Michael says:

    It was a wonderful journey with you guys,
    It was really a fun time.
    Thanks for all your hard work,
    There is no vain dedication.

    I will look forward to your angel beats project as well

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