Alka Translations Monthly Status Report: May 2022

Hello! I am currently writing this in the website’s text editor directly for the very first time! Isn’t that neat? Usually I write these separately somewhere else ahead of time, then just copy-paste when the time has come, but I’m doing this on the fly right now because I forgot to do it earlier. And I said I would, dang it. I am nothing if not a man of my word! Let’s just not talk about the many times I’ve said I expect my schedule to clear up. Those don’t count.

Anyway, the real reason I’m sorta late is because I was working on Tsumugi, thank you very much. You’ll note a nice little boost to our progress page bumping us up past the 60% mark for her. The next file of hers is a BIGGUN, though, so that’s gonna take me a day or three of continuous work. Which hopefully I’ll have time for in the coming weeks (haha look I’m back at it again with my antics). After that, though, it’s downhill. Baby steps!

As far as everything else goes, nothing much to report. Kud’s still on the to-do list. The site issues persist (solution still pending). In conclusion, we’ve only got a handful of files left to go in Tsumugi’s route, and after that is testing, the final phase. As always, thank you ever so much for your patience as we inch closer to the end!


8 thoughts on “Alka Translations Monthly Status Report: May 2022

  1. Lu says:

    Whenever I access your website via google search (search alka translations and pick the entry from search) I get directed to a spam page. Something wrong with the address that google has?

    • Log says:

      Hey, sorry for the late reply! Yeah, that’s an issue we’re aware of and unfortunately don’t have a very immediate solution for. We’re doing what we can to address it!

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