Summer Pockets Trial Translation Released

After two months of hard work we are finally ready to release the Summer Pockets Trial English Translation. To install the patch you will need the original trial which you can download from the Summer Pockets website here:

There are some unfixable bugs with the table tennis mini game script. We hope these aren’t a bother. This started as a personal project and still is so don’t expect the best quality.  When you open the installer you will want to select your Summer Pockets Trial Directory. The installer will overwrite the original files and replace them with the translated ones. Here is the link to the download page:

14 thoughts on “Summer Pockets Trial Translation Released

  1. Wilq says:

    If anybody is having errors popping-up from the begininng do this -> Instead of installing patch in you main Summer Pockets directory, do it here:

    Your local hard drive (C: D: etc)\..\Summer Pockets_trial\StartData\GameData

    • jansonseth says:

      You probably didn’t install it correctly. Instead of installing the patch in your main Summer Pockets Trial directory, do it here:

      Your local hard drive (C: D: etc)\..\Summer Pockets_trial\StartData\GameData

  2. ripdog says:

    Thank you so much for this translation! The TL is very nice and readable, and the game itself feels amazing. I really love the nostalgic feeling, and how well it conveys the idea of coming to a new place of beauty and freedom, and just soaking it all up. The characters seem a bit iffy so far, though.

    Sadly I’ve come across a bit of an issue. After the OP and the first map, I selected Umi-chan, and shortly after the next choice (what she had), the game crashed. Since then, the game crashes every time I load my last save (on the map screen). There’s no error message.

    It seems I’ve been able to fix this issue by going back to an older save and skipping through. The only thing that changed between the playthroughs is that I played ping-pong on the first one, and didn’t on the second. Is this the ping-pong bug, perhaps?

    It’s be my dream come true if you could do a translation of the full game. Please and thank you!

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